Return of the Jodi is an Exploit for the game LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (the first game, not III). It was released by Team Twiizers and Roto. Required An SD Card (NON SDHC) formatted to FAT32 LEGO Star Wars:The Complete Saga Links Return of the JODI Exploit Hackmii
Yu-Gi-Owned! Wii Exploit Tutorial
Yu-Gi-OWNED is an exploit for Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s Wheelie Breakers. It was only made for the PAL region, but the unofficial port (Yu-Gi-Vah) works on NTSC-U and NTSC-J Wii’s. Required: An SD card (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above) or USB device formatted to
BatHaxx Wii Exploit Tutorial
Bathaxx is an exploit found in the game LEGO Batman. The exploit was made by Team Twiizers & lewurm. Required: LEGO Batman NON-SDHC SD Card formatted to FAT(32) This package: download (mirror) Tutorial 0. Play the LEGO Batman game at least once and back up the save file to a safe location. Computer
Indiana Pwns Wii Exploit Tutorial
Indiana Pwns is an exploit found in the game Lego Indiana Jones. It works on all Wii regions and firmware versions up to 4.3. Required Lego Indiana Jones SD Card (NOT SDHC) Hackmii installer: Indiana Pwns Exploit Guide Wii ———————- 1. If you never played Lego Indiana Jones before, play
Smash Stack Wii Exploit Tutorial
Smash Stack is an exploit found by comex in (the NTSC-U version of) Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Unlike the other 2 game-based exploits (the Twilight hack and Indiana pwns), it does not use a modified save file to be executed. Instead, it is based on the SD card loading function