First download this package (mirror). Extract it and put the files onto a SD card and insert the SD card into the Wii. Installing a Trucha’d IOS into slot 236. Run 1. IOS236 Installer v5 MOD It should say “IOS236 installation is complete!” and return to The Homebrew Channel. Installing cIOS &
4.3 Wii Users Information
If you want to get the homebrew channel without using any games at all, here is the tutorial: LetterBomb tutorial – Click Here Since you have a 4.3 Wii, you can’t do some things like, for example: Loading ISOS (games) from DVD-R discs Loading ISOS (games) from USB/HDD/SD storage devices
4.2 Wii Users Information
To find out how to get the homebrew channel on 4.2, click here. Since you have a 4.2 Wii, you can’t do some things like, for example: Loading ISOS (games) from DVD-R discs Loading ISOS (games) from USB/HDD/SD storage devices Watching DVD movies Installing WAD’s ..and other things So for this
3.X Wii Users Information
To find out how to get the homebrew channel on your Wii that is below firmware version 4.2, click here (bannerbomb tutorial). Since you have a Wii that is below 4.2, you do not need to softmod it (aka restore the trucha bug).

How to hack ANY Wii (Letterbomb Tutorial)
This tutorial shows you how to hack any region Wii up to 4.3 WITHOUT any games at all. It uses the exploit called LetterBomb which lets you install the Homebrew Channel through a letter in the Wii Message Board. Video Tutorial Written Tutorial (If you already know how to get
How to downgrade your Wii Tutorial
This is a guide written by DsHacker14 that shows you how to downgrade your Wii from 4.1 to any version below that. Regions When you downgrade your Wii you will have to downgrade it to the same region your wii is right now. To find out what region your Wii

Return of the Jodi Wii Exploit Tutorial
Return of the Jodi is an Exploit for the game LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (the first game, not III). It was released by Team Twiizers and Roto. Required An SD Card (NON SDHC) formatted to FAT32 LEGO Star Wars:The Complete Saga Links Return of the JODI Exploit Hackmii

Action Replay Gamecube Loader Tutorial
This tutorial shows you how to install AR GC Loader v1.14, which lets you use cheats on Gamecube games. See end of post for video tutorial. Things you will need The Homebrew Channel installed on your wii An SD card for use with the wii homebrew channel At least one