Note: Always keep a backup of your save before you modify it!
Last Updated: July 31, 2020
Only the best resources for players of Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Save Editors
- NHSE by kwsch – THE Save Editor for Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Download – Click on the latest run, then under “related” click the published artifact. Hover over “NHSE”, click the three dots and you’ll see a download icon.
- You will need a copy of your save. Scroll down to download JKSV below.
- Share your maps, item, pattern, save dumps and more
- Download – Click on the latest run, then under “related” click the published artifact. Hover over “NHSE”, click the three dots and you’ll see a download icon.
Cheats for Atmosphere / SX OS CFW
- Tutorial by rafpoop (v1.0 to latest)
- Animal Crossing New Horizons Cheat Database
- SX OS Cheat Database
- Switch Cheats Updater: Automatically update your cheat files for your installed games (and not for the entire library). That way it doesn’t clutter your SD card. Supports Atmosphere and SXOS.
- Mopsy’s Animal Crossing New Horizons Code Generator: Generate your own cheats
- RyDog and AnalogMan’s Text to Item Codes: Chat an Item/DIY recipe ID and it will appear in your inventory
Item and DIY IDs
For some codes you will need the Item/DIY ID in order to generate that Item or DIY recipe. Below are links to some lists.
ACNH Data Spreadsheet – This is not an ID list but it is a huge database that contains pictures and all items are categorized.
Where do I place the cheat codes?
For SX OS users, cheats are stored in:
For Atmosphere users, cheats are stored in:
Note: If the game updates, that ID will probably change, so your cheats will stop working. You will need to update your cheats/Build ID with every ACNH update.
Other Tools & Utilities
- JKSV – Save Manager by J-D-K — Recommended
- To backup/restore ACNH saves, use the “Device” menu.
- ACNH Backup Restore by iomintz
- ACNHPoker by KingLycosa
- Spawns items for you on Animal Crossing New Horizons using sys-botbase.
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons Design Pattern Editor by FluffyFishGames
- Turnip Price Previewer by averne
Websites & Apps
These are not hacks/cheats but are a compilation of useful links, resources, and databases for ACNH.
- Critterpedia: What fish + insects are available to catch right now, with location and sale price.
- Critterpedia (2) (in Beta): Another Critterpedia tool with a grid format. Also shows Fossils and Art. You can select the items you have already found/donated and have them saved in the webapp to the Collection tab.
- Mystery Tour Islands guide: All of the possible Mystery Tour island possibilities
- MeteoNook Alpha: A weather forecasting tool for Animal Crossing: New Horizons including exact times for meteor showers, rainbows and the aurora borealis
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons Design Pattern Editor (Windows) – Video
- Complete tool with many features including import, export, QR code,
- Includes a pattern exchange to find and import patterns
- Pattern Editor (Online app): Practice your pattern designs or upload an image and get its QR code for the Able Sisters
- /r/acqr: Subreddit hosting user-submitted designs
- AC Custom Island Design: Read-only Discord server listing meticulously categorized catalog of user-submitted designs from across the Internet
- @acnh_patterns: Curated Instagram account of community design patterns
- Friendship mechanics: In-depth datamined guide to gaining favor with your villagers.
- Lost item guide: How to complete the lost item quest for best results.
- Villager gift checker: Mobile-first web app to see if a villager will love a specific clothing item as gift based on their favorite color and personal style.
- Villager gift finder: Interactive tool see clothing items your villager will really appreciate based on their favorite color and personal style.
- Nook Exchange: Visual index of all game items with the ability to create an account to share your catalog/wishlist
- VillagerDB: Visual index of all game items with the ability to create an account to share your catalog/wishlist, and create additional lists
- Nook Plaza: Visual index of all game items
- Nookazon: eBay-esque marketplace where users pay in Bells, not cash
- DodoCodes: Tour other player’s islands for specific items, recipes, villagers, or just for inspiration
- /r/ACTrade: Subreddit for facilitating trades of items, recipes, and villagers
- /r/ACVillager: Subreddit for facilitating trades of villagers
Turnips and the Stalk Market
- Turnip Prophet: Sophisticated Stalk Market predictor to track your price history with a probability percentage
- Beautiful Stalk Market predictor to track your profits and price history
- r/ACTurnips: Tightly-moderated community facilitation of turnip sales.
- Turnip Exchange: Queuing app to host visitors for turnip sales and any other tour
- Happy Island designer: Plot out your island layout in the browser
- Island Planner: Plot out your island’s building layouts and terraforming designs in a 3D editor in the browser or downloadable desktop app.
- Furniture luck + Feng Shui guide: How to decorate your house to maximize your luck in game
- r/AnimalCrossingTours: Community inspiration hub for island and room layouts.